About Department

B.E – Electrical and Electronics Engineering

About Department

Established in 2012-13, the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of AMCET is set in lush greenery. Drawing upon AMCET’s tradition of teaching excellence, the Department of EEE with 12 faculty and 105 students works closely together in an open, collegial atmosphere. With Anna University’s curriculum, the Department places equal emphasis on theoretical and experimental electrical and electronics engineering.

The program in Electrical & Electronics Engineering is one of the premier undergraduate programs offered by the Annai Mira College of Engineering and Technology. The EEE department, started in 2012-13, has a team of highly qualified and experienced faculty. With its excellent infrastructure, the department places emphasis on sound practical knowledge, while nurturing creativity in the students.


To nurture the innovative thinking with technical skills by producing the valuable professionals also with ethical values for betterment of humanity.


  • To strive for continuous improvement in providing sufficient knowledge and improving students ethical values.
  • To build professional skills for solving technical issues in diversified areas of electrical engineering.
  • To provide knowledge so that, they can function effectively as an individual and also as a leader in multidisciplinary commitment.
  • To evolve as an innovative department of Electrical engineering through various advanced techniques and provide quality engineers.


  • PEO-01:Find employment in Core Electrical and Electronics Engineering and service sectors.
  • PEO-02:Get elevated to technical lead position and lead the organization competitively.
  • PEO-03:Enter into higher studies leading to post-graduate and research degrees. Become consultant and provide solutions to the practical problems of core organization.
  • PEO-04:Become an entrepreneur and be part of electrical and electronics product and service industries.


After going through the four years of study, our Electrical and Electronics Engineering Graduates will exhibitability to:

PO# GraduateAttribute Programme Outcome
1 Engineering knowledge Apply knowledge of mathematics, basic science and engineering science.
2 Problem analysis Identify, formulate and solve engineering problems.
3 Design/development of solutions Design an electrical system or process to improve its performance, satisfying its constraints.
4 Conduct in vestigations of Complex problems Conduct experiments in electrical and electronics systems and interpret the data.
5 Modern tool usage Apply various tools and techniques to improve the efficiency of the system.
6 The Engineer and society Conduct themselves to uphold the professional and social obligations.
7 Environment and sustainability Design the system with environment consciousness and sustainable development.
8 Ethics Interacting industry, business and society in a professional and ethical manner.
9 Individual and teamwork Function in a multidisciplinary team.
10 Communication Proficiency in oral and written Communication.
11 Project management and finance Implement Cost effective and improved system
12 Life-long learning Continue professional development and learning as a life-long activity.


On completion of Electrical and Electronics Engineering program, the student will have the following Program Specific Outcomes.

  • PSO-01: Foundation of Electrical Engineering: Ability to understand the principles and working of electrical components, circuits, systems and control that are forming a part of power generation, transmission, distribution, utilization, conservation and energy saving. Students can assess the power management, auditing, crisis and energy saving aspects.
  • PSO-02:Foundation of Mathematical Concepts: Ability to apply mathematical methodologies to solve problems related with electrical engineering using appropriate engineering tools and algorithms.
  • PSO-03:Computing and Research Ability: Ability to use knowledge in various domains to identify research gaps and hence to provide solution which leads to new ideas and innovations.