Admissions Hotline - 99523 87017
Total no of Titles | Total no of volumes | |
Book | 8491 | 2545 |
S.No | Course | Programme | Subject | Number of Titles | Number of Volumes |
1 | BE | MECH | Mechanical Engineering | 1212 | 2956 |
2 | CIVIL | Civil Engineering | 436 | 1218 | |
3 | ECE | Electronics Communication and Engineering | 1357 | 3532 | |
4 | EEE | Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 139 | 2548 | |
5 | CSE | Computer Science and Engineering | 2865 | 611 | |
6 | Science & Humanities | 695 | 1995 | ||
7 | General | 365 | 559 | ||
Total | 8491 | 2545 |
National | International | |
Journal | 89 | 73 |
Magazines | 39 |
The following Services are providing to the user
All students, faculty members and Non teaching faculties of the institute are eligible for the membership of the library.
All the Library operations are automated and the barcode technology is implemented. Linux based Library Koha ERP Library Software is used. It operated Linux, Oracle is the backend and PHP is the front end used in the software.The software has all the operational modules such as Book accessing, transaction, administration, periodical control, Book acquisition, reporting and queries modules etc.
OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) has been provided to the users for searching availability of materials in the Library.
The digital Library section has connected to the 4 mbps internet service hub. 3 systems are provided for net access to the students from 5. P.m. to 7. P.m.
The central library has subscribed the course materials for the following subjects. Computer Science Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering.
Working days | |
Study & Reference | 8.00 a.m – 7.00p.m |
Transactions | 8.00 a.m – 6.00 p.m |
Reprography service (photo copy &printouts) | 9.00 a.m – 5.00 p.m |